Creating SOAP Header Schemas in BizTalk 2006 (Part 1)

The steps for creating a SOAPHeader property schema are as follows:

1. Add a new schema to the project.
2. In the Properties window of the schema, set the Target Namespace to the BizTalk
SOAPHeader namespace which is :

and the Schema Type to Property, as shown in the below Figure:

3. Add the desired elements to the schema. There is no root node on a SOAPHeader property
schema; it has only elements. In this example, there would be two elements added
to the schema: MessageId and TraceFlag.
4. On each element created, set the Property Schema Base in the Properties window to MessageContextPropertyBase, as shown in the below Figure :

In the next article, I will show you how to send a request includes data in the SOAP header to a web service, and how the web service will parse the SOAP header

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