Saving your SOAP Request in ONE STEP

Do you want to save the SOAP request to your webservice!!!
And you don’t want to write a huge lines of code to do that process!!!

Download this
dll , and just add the following attribute before your method:
[WebMethod, SoapLogger("C:\\soap.log")]

* WebMethod attribute: Attaching the WebMethod attribute to a Public method indicates that you want the method exposed as part of the XML Web service

*SoapLogger("C:\\soap.log"): Attaching the SoapLogger attribute to a Public method indicates that you want the monitor the SOAP request to that method and you want to save this request in that path : 'C:\\soap.log'

don’t care about the code just use the dll , and enjoy soaping... :D

1 Response to "Saving your SOAP Request in ONE STEP"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    September 15, 2008 at 4:48 AM

    it was very useful , thank you