WCF-BasicHttp adapter Vs. SOAP adapter

In the last article , you can find it here. I had given a very simple view about WCF and the benefits that will give it to us , in this article I will talk about WCF adapter of BizTalk 2006 R2; imagine the benefits of WCF with BizTalk . :))

There is a video by Steven W. Thomas called "BizTalk 2006 R2 WCF Adapter First Look Video"; it was a very good and very simple video.
You can watch this video from here

But I would like to mention important things, What Is the WCF-BasicHttp Adapter? And Why the WCF-BasicHttp adapter is preferred than the SOAP adapter?

WCF-basicHttp means you can do cross-computer communication with legacy ASMX-based Web services and clients that conform to the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1, using either the HTTP or HTTPS transport with text encoding. However, you will not be able to take advantage of features that are supported by WS-* protocols.

What is the problem of that, I can do it using the SOAP adapter!!!!

You are totally right but check the following:

  • WCF adapters documents per second rate is general be better than SOAP adapter.
  • SOAP adapter has the disadvantage of serializing and deserializing messages between .NET types and raw XML data which in some cases could result in unwanted data modification. WCF adapters take the approach of preserving the data stream.
  • WCF adapters publish what is essentially the same schema as will be used in the BizTalk runtime. In contrast, SOAP adapter returns metadata generated by reflecting on the .NET classes generated to represent the schemas. Since .NET does not preserve all the nuances of XSD schemas, the exposed WSDL may not accurately reflect the schemas used by the BizTalk runtime.
  • It is easier to migrate from WCF-BasicHttp to WCF-WSHttp if needed.

Amazing right, enjoy… :))

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